Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Internship Progress Report- Free Samples

Question: Discuss about theInternship Progress Report. Answer: Introduction The internship is defined as the job training in a specific field to gain knowledge and experience. This also helps in the, changing someones approaches towards the specific industry. This internship progress report provides a brief discussion about the changes in my approaches towards the creative industry. In the internships I have the opportunity to gain experience and apply the theories that were learnt in the class rooms. In my internship, I have worked at the fashion warehouse of Taina Olsen design. It is online site that designs bridal dresses and evening wears for its clients. Even though Tania had started the business by selling bridal wears but after some day, but now her brand is one of the leading brands for bridal, bridesmaid, and evening wear dresses (taniaolsen.com.au 2016). As an expansion of her business, this brand has almost 100 retailers throughout Australia. The following sections describe the way this internship has changed my approach. Quality Control In case of the dresses the quality control is done after each and every step of the production which is just opposite of the quality control in other industries. In other industries, the quality of the product is checked only after the product is completed. Setting quality standards: In my internship I witnessed that, the quality is checked for, sewing defects (open seams, use of different threads for stitching or inappropriate thread tension in the completed garments), Color defects and sizing defects (like use of L size sleeves for the XL size body of the garment). Preparation of audit reports related of the fabric and trim quality: In my internship, I witnessed that the quality of the fabric is checked at the very initial stage of the production of the products (as it is the most important part of the whole process). This will reduce the overall production time for the products. The company uses the penalty point process to determine the quality of the threads (Islam, Khan and Khan 2013). The same is done with the trims which are the accessories required for the manufacturing of the products as per the specification of the buyer. Inspect the garments: The inspection of the garments is done to check and control the quality of the finished product or the garments. The quality is controlled by the number of variations and faults exist in the finished product (Maia, Alves and Leo 2013). As per my experience this helped the company to deliver better products and retain them by providing value for the money. Admin Work Moving, receiving, storing and checking incoming goods: In the creative industry, like the manufacturing of the bridal dresses as per the client requirements also includes the administrative work (O'Connell 2014). Some of them are transportation of the finished goods to the retailers, receiving, checking and storing of the incoming raw materials for the production of the bridal wears. Whenever the client asks for any specific design of the bridal wear, then those specific materials are ordered from the supplier (Syduzzaman et al. 2016). After this, when the materials are delivered, I have to maintain the warehouse record for the each and every item by checking them individually. In case of other industry, the raw materials are not checked individually thus it may happen that, due to the faulty raw material the overall production time gets increased. In addition, the proper management of the finished goods is also important for the proper delivery of the goods to the retailers and in order to timely delivery of the product to the clients. Managing websites: being intern at the company, I observed that, the company mainly operates its business through the site www.taniaolsen.com.au, thus it is important for the organization to maintain the website, to make it operational and available to the users or the desired clients (Syduzzaman et al. 2016). Maintain the website is about upgrading the servers and the databases so that, it can handle more number of visitors at one time. In course of my internship, I also witnessed that, the company appointed an IT company that will integrate new security features to the website so that, the client personal data and financial can be transmitted in a encrypted format to make it confidential. Creating spreadsheets: It is one of the important business processes that are used for accounting or to visualize graphically the sales or the position of the company in the market. Moreover, the spreadsheets are also used to form business decisions. Learning Sewing Techniques Working with different fabrics: while working as an intern, I observed that as Tania Olsen manufactures several types of dresses for different prices and different client segments, thus it uses different types of fabrics to have more customers with their designer dresses (Maia, Alves and Leo 2013). While working with the different types of fabrics I acquired the skill of identification of the fabrics and the way they should be stitched to have a better longevity of the developed products. Moreover, use of the automated marker and cutting technology can enhance the whole process of cutting and resizing the raw fabrics. Discussion about the different sewing techniques with supervisor: It is important to use appropriate sewing techniques for the different types of fabric materials to achieve a better quality of the finished cloths (Islam, Khan and Khan 2013). For using different types of sewing techniques, I have to consult with the supervisor, as they have experience about the different kind fabrics and the stitching tension they can tolerate. Working with different sewing tools: In my internship, I observed that, use of the different automated industrial tools can maximize the throughput of the different processes. Like use of the automated marker tools, cutting and stitching tools will increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process which in turn helps in the increasing the revenue of the company (Mahmud 2014). As an example it can be said that, the use of the water jet fabric cutting machine will reduce the wastage of the raw fabric in the shaping and resizing of the fabrics. References Islam, M.M., Khan, A.M. and Khan, M.M.R., 2013. Minimization of reworks in quality and productivity improvement in the Apparel Industry.International Journal of Engineering,1(4), pp.2305-8269. MacCarthy, B.L. and Jayarathne, P.G.S.A., 2013. Supply network structures in the international clothing industry: differences across retailer types.International Journal of Operations Production Management,33(7), pp.858-886. Mahmud, A., 2014.Ready-made garments factory: in a sub-urban settings(Doctoral dissertation, BRAC University). Maia, L.C., Alves, A.C. and Leo, C.P., 2013. Sustainable work environment with lean production in textile and clothing industry.International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,4(3), pp.183-190. O'Connell, J., 2014. Optimal Quality Assurance for Mass Production Apparel Industry. Syduzzaman, M., Islam, M.M., Habib, M.A. and Yeasmin, D., 2016. Effects of Implementing TQM Principles in the Apparel Manufacturing Industry: Case Study on a Bangladeshi Clothing Factory.Science and Technology,6(3), pp.68-75. Tania Olsen Designs. (2016).Home - Tania Olsen Designs. [online] Available at: https://www.taniaolsen.com.au/ [Accessed 7 Nov. 2016].

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